How To Set up WordPress 多点 – A Guide For Beginners

  1. 多站点的定义
  2. WordPress多站点使用的利弊
  3. WordPress多站点安装和设置指南


多点 是WordPress 3的配置.0 which enables to manage multiple sites and share plugins and themes from one wp installation. 它可以用于小到大的网页. 多点 has been substituted WPMU (or WordPress Multiuser project which has been discontinued). 通过安装GPL WordPress主题 once you are able to run as many sites as you need. WP install takes less than 10 minutes and is mostly the same as usual installation.

Note that the network of sites can be similar to your personal account on, and you also can permit the end users of your multisite to create their own blogs on your domain on request. If you do not want other users to create new web pages from your web, you can easily limit it and stay the only administrator. Remember that the pages can be placed in one domain only.

Without further delay, let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of 多点 更详细地使用.


Based on your purposes, multisite may or may not meet your specific needs. 因此, 赞成和反对 网络使用出现. 下面是其中的一些.


在大多数情况下与WordPress一起工作, multiple site network is more convenient than managing numerous separate web pages. To prove the statement, here are some advantages of wp多点 用法:

  • The ability to manage multiple sites from the same dashboard.
  • The sites on the web may have their own administrators, but they are able to manage their own web pages only.
  • 插件 and themes can be set up and activated for the web with the single download file.
  • 易于监控更新. Update your WP websites including plugin and themes with one-time install.


Multiple site networks are not always useful when it comes to supporting multiple sites. 还提出了一些反对意见:

  • 所有的网络站点使用相同的资源. If your webpage falls, the other pages of the web fall correspondingly.
  • If your webpage is cracked, the other sites get cracked likewise.
  • Some WordPress plugins work incorrectly on a multisite network.
  • To manage web server may become a great challenge for newbies in case of high traffic.

在启动WordPress之前,多站点网络, 确保你已经考虑了利弊, and multiple site network is something you require.



If you have found more advantages of multisite network use and decided to go ahead with WordPress configurator, 循序渐进 指南 轻松地设置网络.

  • First of all, you need to activate multisite in wp-config.php文件. Open the file and add the code listed below somewhere above the line /* That's all, stop editing! 快乐的博客. */. To proceed further, refresh the browser you are working in.
/* 多点 */
define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
  • By including web setup in tools menu you can start installing multisite. Do not forget to deactivate all plugins on your WordPress site to prevent any system conflicts.
  • 在继续安装之后, 弹出警告窗口。, where you will be demanded to remove www prefix from This needs to be done in order to exclude links with the prefix. 当它从URL中删除时,警报就消失了.
  • Whether wp website was installed more than a month ago, you will receive one more warning that the network should employed sub-domains. 如果你最近安装了WordPress网站, you will be suggested to choose either sub-domain or sub-directories address of sites in your network. 当选择该选项时, the system asks you to enter your web data (network name and email address of the admin).
  • When you push the ‘Install’ button, important multisite tables are added to your wp database. You will be then asked to add a part of the code to your wp-config.PHP和你的 .htaccess文件. Make sure to back up all webpage files and database. 这可以防止数据丢失。.
  • Once the code is added and files are updated, the page should be restarted. To reach your network dashboard, you will have to log in once again. Now you can get acquainted with your wp multiple site network settings and plugins. For more information, check the detailed 指南 on how to configure the installation.

多点 is a configuration that makes WP more effective yet cannot cover all requirements of the websites. It is important to understand if multiple sites will help you to run the website or make a mess while controlling your standalone sites. 如果您仍有疑问,欢迎访问我们的 在线帮助中心. Here you will easily find the answer to your questions and get the best assistance ever.


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Self-taught copywriter specialized in web design, marketing, and traveling. Graduated with a degree in German and English translation. Obsessed with 指南s, listings, and long-read blog posts. Open for new information and strives to explore more undisclosed subjects. 社交媒体账户: Fb, 推特, LinkedIn.


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